Google Transit
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Google Transit

Public transit agencies are experts at running large, complex transit networks, but they might have less experience building apps. We believe that common formats for exchanging public transit information is the solution, so third-party developers can build the innovative transit apps. These formats allow public transit agencies to publish their transit data and developers to write applications that consume that data in an interoperable way.

General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS)

The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) can be used to share static public transit data.

GTFS Realtime

The GTFS-realtime Specification is an extension to GTFS that can be used to share realtime public transit data.

Google Transit | about

Google Transit allows users to view public transportation options within Google Maps to help users around the globe plan the best routes to get where they’re going. By combining schedule and route data with the power of Google Maps, your transit information becomes easily accessible to millions of Google users in dozens of languages on both computer and mobile devices.


Google Transit makes trip planning easier for your riders with stop, route, schedule, and fare information integrated into Google Maps. Participating transit agencies can do the following:

  • Reach more riders: Google Transit works with your existing trip planner and links users to your website, which helps new and experienced riders discover your services.
  • Provide worldwide coverage: Google Transit covers transit agencies all over the world in one view. Google Maps supports multiple languages, allowing users to plan trips in their native language without having to learn a new system.
  • Partner with Google Transit for free: Google Transit participation is available to any agency that provides public transportation services and operates with fixed schedules and routes. It’s simple and free, and all it takes is your data.

How it works

When participating transit agencies share their static transit data (e.g. routes, stops, and schedules) with Google Transit, that information is integrated with Google Maps and accessible to Google users.

Once you share your static route and schedule information, Google Transit allows you to add live transit updates via Realtime Transit. Realtime updates enhance your riders’ experience with the latest departure and arrival times, service alerts, and vehicle positions. As long as your static transit information is available through Google Maps, you’re eligible to submit data for Realtime Transit.

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Google Transit